Thursday, December 02, 2004

Google Search: taser death

I mentioned to my buddy Jeff that I had read an article about Taser's being linked to deaths... He looked at me like I had ask to marry his 4 year old daughter. ;-) Here is a Google Search link to a bunch of articles on the subject. Don't realy care I would still cary and use a taser. Heck I'll even give the bad guys a choice Taser or Sig 229 in .40 cal? I'm sure the bad guys would much rather be shot by the taser! ;-)

Google Search: taser death

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey why does everyone try to destroy and make it easy for criminals to get away? It would seem to me that the people who fight against those who are law abiding citizens being allowed to defend themselves, as well as, law enforcement officers are nothing but criminals and cannot over see their own selfish desires..