Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Jane Fonda spit on by Veteran.

"During that trip she was photographed laughing as she sat on a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft tank."

She did a hell of a lot more than just sit on a tank for a photo! She gave aid and confort to the enemy during a time of war and should have been shot back in '72 as a traitor! Just do a Google search on Jane Fonda + Vietnam

"There are a lot of veterans who would love to do what I did," the Star quoted Smith as saying.

Not just veterans! I still say she should be tried as a traitor. But don't go spitting on her, that will get you thrown in jail. I will continue, as I have since my daddy taught me about miss Fonda, to refrian from purchasing anything that gives her money.

Man Spits in Jane Fonda's Face at Book Signing

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