Friday, April 29, 2005


On March 23, The Florida Senate passed SB-436, "Castle Doctrine" by a vote of YEAS 39 to NAYS 0

On April 5, The Florida House passed SB-436, "Castle Doctrine" by a vote of YEAS 94 to NAYS 20

On April 26, Governor Jeb Bush SIGNED SB-436, "Castle Doctrine" into law (Chapter No. 2005-27) It takes effect on October 1, 2005.

For those who want detailed information on why this bill is important, the following information is provided.

A great deal of erroneous information has been written, published and spoken about Florida's new "Castle Doctrine" bill.

Claims that the new law will turn Florida into the Wild West are not only an insult to intelligent people but give a patently false portrait of what the bill actually does.

The Florida "Castle Doctrine" bill does basically three things:

One: It establishes, in law, the presumption that a criminal who forcibly enters or intrudes into your home or occupied vehicle is there to cause death or great bodily harm, therefore a person may use any manner of force, including deadly force, against that person.

Two: It removes the "duty to retreat" if you are attacked in any place you have a right to be. You no longer have to turn your back on a criminal and try to run when attacked. Instead, you may stand your ground and fight back, meeting force with force, including deadly force, if you reasonably believe it is necessary to prevent death or great bodily harm to yourself or others.

Three: It provides that persons using force authorized by law shall not be prosecuted for using such force.

It also prohibits criminals and their families from suing victims for injuring or killing the criminals who have attacked them.

In short, it gives rights back to law-abiding people and forces judges and prosecutors who are prone to coddling criminals to instead focus on protecting victims.

NRA-ILA :: Releases

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Good Morning America's show on 4/27/2005

Did you watch Good Morning America's show today? Did you see their segment regarding the signing of the Use of Force/Restoring the Castle Doctrine law in Florida? If you check out the link to their site below you will see a more balanced addressing of this story. But on the air Diane stated that now in Florida you will be able to shoot someone who shoves you. This is total BS. Diane is spouting Anti Gun reteric. "Florida will be like the wild west.." This is the same BS they claimed when Florida passed their Concealed Weapons Law 20 something years ago. It wasn't true then and it is not true now.

I wish news shows could just report the facts without putting their spin on things. There is no illusion that Diane is anti gun. Everytime there is anything related to guns on GMA she is the one reporting on it and she is ALWAYS taken the Anti gun views.

In case you all want to know what this law is really about it is about restoring a RIGHT that the courts have eroded over the years. If you read the law you would say. DUH THAT'S JUST COMMON SENCE.

Here is the link to the blurb on ABC News regarding the bills passing.

ABC News: Florida Enacts 'Force With Force' Law

Here is a link to the text of the law. Read it for yourself and see if it will let you shot someone for if they just push you...

The Florida Senate: SB-436

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Upgrade to Windows XP Professional x64 Edition from Windows XP Professional (32-bit) for FREE!

If you bought a new computer that came pre-installed with Windows XP Professional between March 31st, 2003 and July 31, 2005 you can exchange your License for it and get a Copy of Windows XP Professional x64 Edition.

Microsoft� Windows� x64 Edition Technology Advancement Program

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Sargeant convicted in attack on fellow troops

Where do I go to volunteer for the firing squad?!? - Sargeant convicted in attack on fellow troops

Clearing The Air, NOT!

My wife has been after me to buy one of these air Cleaners. Now I'm glad that we haven't! If you are using one of these you better check out the article link! They do list two at the very bottom that did get a good rating.

There are some alternatives to room air cleaners that Consumer Reports does recommend. They include the Friedrich C-90A for $450 and the Whirlpool 45030 for $250.

Testers say they both do a good job of cleaning dust, smoke and pollen and they produced little ozone.

Clearing The Air

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Jane Fonda spit on by Veteran.

"During that trip she was photographed laughing as she sat on a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft tank."

She did a hell of a lot more than just sit on a tank for a photo! She gave aid and confort to the enemy during a time of war and should have been shot back in '72 as a traitor! Just do a Google search on Jane Fonda + Vietnam

"There are a lot of veterans who would love to do what I did," the Star quoted Smith as saying.

Not just veterans! I still say she should be tried as a traitor. But don't go spitting on her, that will get you thrown in jail. I will continue, as I have since my daddy taught me about miss Fonda, to refrian from purchasing anything that gives her money.

Man Spits in Jane Fonda's Face at Book Signing

Bali takes the war on Drugs a lot more seriously than the US.

Check out this article at the Herald Sun.

If you get caught trying to smugle drugs you can get the death penalty!

Hell of a lot more direct than "Just say no!"

Herald Sun: Video reveals Bali death fears [21apr05]

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

PC: Call of Duty 2

Finaly some Call Of Duty 2 info. Looks like the game will be out this fall. COOL!

PC: Call of Duty 2

Samsung i700 with Accessories!

Selling my beloved i700 for cheap on eBay. Starting price is $200 with no reserve! Still no bids and the auction ends tonight at 10 minutes after 8pm (EST)! Check it out, and bid!

Freaking $700 hand-held computer/phone for $200!

eBay item 5767337822 (Ends Apr-19-05 17:09:21 PDT) - Samsung i700 with Accessories!

Verizon boss... Our phones don't work - | The Register

"Why in the world would you think your (cell) phone would work in your house?" he said. "The customer has come to expect so much. They want it to work in the elevator; they want it to work in the basement."

Oh... I don't know.... Maybe because you charge us so much for your service we expect to get signal even if we were on the frigging MOON!

Verizon can you here me now? Yes you can. Cause I switched to Sprint! Wow and I can even call you from inside my office.

Our phones don't work - Verizon boss | The Register - Online Dictionary, Encyclopedia and much more

Check 'em out. Here be a site I maybe able to send my kid to so he can learn something! - Online Dictionary, Encyclopedia and much more

And they have a mobile version as well!

Screen Shots of SMSPro at PocketMonkey

New software about to hit the streets in Beta form that will give PocketPCs the capability to handle SMS like IM Chat. VERY COOL!

Screen Shots - SMSPro

Thursday, April 14, 2005

"Time Management with PDAs"

Anyone who knows me knows that I carry a Pocket PC Phone everywhere I go. Well now that I'm more a manager at work I'm getting into time management in a big way. Found a very useful site with tons of information and links about time management and PDA use.

"Time Management with useful" - Data a constant companion in a wireless world - Apr 11, 2005

It's why I carry a Pocket PC Phone... - Data a constant companion in a wireless world - Apr 11, 2005

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

WPA Wireless Security for Home Networks

Old article but since a lot of people are still using WEP for wireless protection.... Read, learn, and make your wireless network more secure with WPA.
WPA Wireless Security for Home Networks

Thursday, April 07, 2005

US News Article |

"Bryan Barton caught me crossing the border and all I got was this lousy T-shirt."

I so want to move to AZ and Join this Militia!

US News Article | - MIT developing $100 laptops for children - Apr 4, 2005

"Details are still being worked out, but here's the MIT team's current recipe: Put the laptop on a software diet; use the freely distributed Linux operating system; design a battery capable of being recharged with a hand crank; and use newly developed "electronic ink" or a novel rear-projected image display with a 12-inch screen." - MIT developing $100 laptops for children - Apr 4, 2005: "Details are still being worked out, but here's the MIT team's current recipe: Put the laptop on a software diet; use the freely distributed Linux operating system; design a battery capable of being recharged with a hand crank; and use newly developed 'electronic ink' or a novel rear-projected image display with a 12-inch screen." - Hackers add Web, chat to PSP - Apr 5, 2005

I guess there maybe a use for a PSP after all... Naaaa I'll stick to my Pocket PC Phone and my computer games. Of course my son is going to want one... I could always play his! ;-) - Hackers add Web, chat to PSP - Apr 5, 2005

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Florida Bill before Jeb Bush..SB-436 - Personal Protection/Castle Doctrine

Letter I sent to Governor Bush...

Governor Bush,
Please sign SB-436 - Personal Protection/Castle Doctrine into law.
I am a Florida resident that has been the victim of a violent crime. It changed my life. I have chosen to never be a victim again. I have always been dumbfounded by our laws when trying to research into what actions that I can or can not take in defening myself and or my family. When this new law is signed I and the rest of our Florida residents can fear their attacker(s) more than they fear our Judicial system.

Homeland security begins and ends with us as individuals.
Thank you for your service to the state of Florida.