From everything I have heard and read regarding this event it appears to me to that the air marshals were justified.
Air marshal kills passenger in Miami
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Tuesday, November 08, 2005 - Experts say cruises vulnerable, but lines defend security plans
"The cruise lines are reluctant to talk about their specific security plans, fearing that the information could help those willing to pounce ships. Crye said cruise companies are permitted to arm their crews, but he wouldn't say if they did."
Hell I would not set foot on a cruise ship that DIDN'T arm their crews!
"Kenneth Bissonnette, staff manager for surveillance and security at Carnival Cruise Lines, told The Associated Press in March 2004 that security personnel for the world's largest cruise line didn't carry firearms, but had defenses like pepper spray. He said the company's security staff recruited heavily among Gurkhas, elite Nepalese soldiers renowned for their fearlessness. Bissonnette declined to comment Monday. Tim Gallagher, a spokesman for company parent Carnival Corp., declined to comment on specific security procedures."
How fearless can you be trying to hold attackers with machine guns and rocket propelled grenades at bay with a can of pepper spray?!?
"Cruise lines are reluctant to have armed guards onboard because that might hurt their image with some passengers, said William Callahan, president of maritime security consultant Unitel. He proposes that they should have armed speedboats as escorts when traveling in dangerous areas."
Well if I can't find a cruise line that does arm their crews then there goes my family ever doing the cruise vacation through the Panama Canal our our cruise vacation to Alaska! - Experts say cruises vulnerable, but lines defend security plans
Thursday, October 20, 2005
"House OKs bill to limit gun liability lawsuits"
Yeah! Now the makers of firearms and ammo can no longer be sued by the anti-gunners for the criminal acts perpitrated by the few.
US News Article |
US News Article |
Friday, October 07, 2005
FWC Rule Change
There is a rule change up for review by the FWC that would allow our right to have a firearm in our vehicle or on our person (if you are a CCW permit holder) while in land controled by the FWC. There is only a week left before they vote so give them your comments. At the bottom of the blog at this link is instructions as to what action to take.
FWC Rule Change
FWC Rule Change
Friday, September 02, 2005
New Orleans Levees Not Built for Worst Case Events
"An unnamed hurricane on September 1947 flooded Jefferson Parish, which includes metropolitan New Orleans, to depths of about three feet (one meter). The storm caused 100 million dollars (U.S.) worth of damage."
"Hurricane Camille made landfall some 50 miles east of New Orleans on September 10, 1965. Winds in the city reached 125 miles per hour (200 kilometers an hour) and the storm surge neared 10 feet (3 meters). After extensive flooding, the Orleans Levee Board raised existing levees to a height of 12 feet (4 meters)."... and now Hurricane Katrina...
I say again... Whoever thought it was a good idea to locate New Orleans on land (land 6 feet below sea level) surrounded by water was a freaking IDOIT. I think now would be the perfect time to find it a new home.
New Orleans Levees Not Built for Worst Case Events
Is FEMA to blame?
"This is a national disgrace," said New Orleans' emergency operations chief Terry Ebbert.
"We can send massive amounts of aid to tsunami victims, but we can't bail out the city of New Orleans."'
"They don't have a clue what's going on down there," Mayor Ray Nagin told WWL-AM Thursday night. "Excuse my French - everybody in America - but I am pissed."First off we need to help those in need now. I am and I hope you can too.
Now it seems there are a lot of people pointing a finger at FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) as the ones who have failed the people displaced by this natural disaster. But I have not seen anyone placing any blame on anyone at either the County, City or State levels!
FEMA's purpose to to help states that request their help because a disaster is beyond the local and state's ability to handle. FEMA's purpose is not to provide on the spot care the second something goes wrong. It is the job of County, City, and State Emergency operations to deal with their County, City, and State Emergencies. The Federal Government can help when they need to. Do they need to in this situation? YES. Why? For 2 reasons. 1) because of the large number of displaced. and 2) cause of the complete and total failure of the COUNTY, CITY, AND STATE EMERGENCY OPERATIONS to ADEQUATELY plan and better handle this disaster. It is no secret that the city of New Orleans resides in a flood zone. It has been this way ever since the first idiot who thought it would be good idea to put a city there. The city has been a disaster waiting to happen from day one and EVERYBODY knew this. So please stop blaming FEMA for not doing the job that should have been handled by county, city, and state agencies. The only thing FEMA has failed at has been not pointing people to correctly place the blame where it belongs.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Painkillers linked to hypertension
This is very important. If you use Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen on a frequent basis you need to read this article. This affects both men and women! Painkillers linked to hypertension Painkillers linked to hypertension
Tragic trail of police blunders over shooting
A leak from a report investigating the Police shooting a possible terrorist subject seems to indicate the police were wrong. I posted about the police being right in what they did given the evidence at the time. Now it seems we were not given the complete story.
the Mail online | Mail - news, sport, showbiz, health and more | Tragic trail of police blunders over shooting: "'But clearly we now know that Jean Charles was doing absolutely nothing to arouse any suspicion, he was just unfortunate to be living in a block of flats that was under surveillance and to look slightly brown skinned.'"
the Mail online | Mail - news, sport, showbiz, health and more | Tragic trail of police blunders over shooting: "'But clearly we now know that Jean Charles was doing absolutely nothing to arouse any suspicion, he was just unfortunate to be living in a block of flats that was under surveillance and to look slightly brown skinned.'"
Monday, July 25, 2005
Grief, outrage in Brazil over shooting by London police
My daddy, and several episodes of COPS, have taught me that if I run from the police I'm not going be happy when they catch me. I'm not trying to justify what the officers did or to belittle the loss of this young man's life but have some common sense....
He chose to go to an area of town with HIGH to EXTREMELY HIGH security.
He chose to disobey an uniformed police officer's orders at said location.
He chose to run away from said uniformed police officer at said location.
He chose to run into a subway car... You know like the ones the terrorist have been blowing up lately. The chasing police officers tackled him inside the subway car and immediately shot him to death thinking he was about to detonate a bomb.
If this young man had been carrying a bomb these police officers would be standing in line to receive some well deserved medals or knighthood or at the very least would not be able to buy themselves a pint for a while (meaning everybody would be buying them drinks...) But it looks like they may have killed someone who 'may not' have been a terrorist. But how were they supposed to know that? Judging from this young man's actions if I was in those officer's shoes I would have acted the same way.
But even with all of these facts there will be an investigation into why/how this young man died. I am interested to find out the results of said investigation. I think that in today's day and age, with all that we are going through some little common sense is in order and the first item on that list of common sense should be "Don't run from the police!" - London IDs two suspects in failed bomb attempts
Menezes was followed by plainclothes officers after he left an apartment bloc in Tulse Hill that was under surveillance. Wearing a padded jacket, he boarded a bus and traveled to the nearby Stockwell subway station. According to officials, his clothing and behavior aroused the suspicions of police, who ordered him to stop.He chose to remain in England after his visa expired, that makes him illegal. (At least that is what the officer's tailing him from his appartment thought at the time... He was already a suspect before he started running...)
Witnesses said Menezes ran into a subway car, where officers shot him. It was unclear why Menezes, who spoke English, did not stop.
The British Broadcasting Corp. reported that Menezes' visa had expired, suggesting this may have been why he ran from police Friday before being shot. However, Menezes' cousin said the visa was still valid.
He chose to go to an area of town with HIGH to EXTREMELY HIGH security.
He chose to disobey an uniformed police officer's orders at said location.
He chose to run away from said uniformed police officer at said location.
He chose to run into a subway car... You know like the ones the terrorist have been blowing up lately. The chasing police officers tackled him inside the subway car and immediately shot him to death thinking he was about to detonate a bomb.
If this young man had been carrying a bomb these police officers would be standing in line to receive some well deserved medals or knighthood or at the very least would not be able to buy themselves a pint for a while (meaning everybody would be buying them drinks...) But it looks like they may have killed someone who 'may not' have been a terrorist. But how were they supposed to know that? Judging from this young man's actions if I was in those officer's shoes I would have acted the same way.
But even with all of these facts there will be an investigation into why/how this young man died. I am interested to find out the results of said investigation. I think that in today's day and age, with all that we are going through some little common sense is in order and the first item on that list of common sense should be "Don't run from the police!" - London IDs two suspects in failed bomb attempts
Friday, July 08, 2005
Banana Spider
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Toe Surgery Blow-by-Blow!
Monday, June 20, 2005
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Schiavo autopsy report backs husband - U.S. News -
Looks like Terri's husband was right after all.
Schiavo autopsy report backs husband - U.S. News -
"Her brain was profoundly atrophied," Jon Thogmartin, medical examiner for Florida's Pinellas-Pasco County, told a press conference. "There was massive neuronal loss, or death. This was irreversible and no amount of therapy or treatment would have regenerated the massive loss of neurons."
Schiavo autopsy report backs husband - U.S. News -
Monday, June 13, 2005
Michael Jackson verdict is in!
This has got to be one of the signs that the end of the world is near...
Michael Jackson cleared on all counts...
Jackson found not quilty!
Michael Jackson cleared on all counts...
Jackson found not quilty!
Friday, June 10, 2005
Tim's Online Photo Gallery
My best friend has spured me into picking up one of my old hobbies but with a new twist. I was into photography in a big way as a teenager and stayed with it for a while as a young man. Loved taking pictures but could never afford to process them! Now I don't have to. I've picked up a Canon EOS Digital Rebel SLR. It has all the bell and whistles of my old film camera but is DIGITAL and therefore doesn't cost me anything to see my pictures!
I am currently using my old MSN Spaces blog to be my Online Gallery for now. I believe with it's current settings I have to give you permission to entery my gallery. If you think I've already given you such permissions follow the link to check out some of my pics!
Check out my new Online Gallery!
I am currently using my old MSN Spaces blog to be my Online Gallery for now. I believe with it's current settings I have to give you permission to entery my gallery. If you think I've already given you such permissions follow the link to check out some of my pics!
Check out my new Online Gallery!
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Woman charged with smuggling fish in skirt -
People do some stupid things sometimes.
Woman charged with smuggling fish in skirt
"During the search customs officers became suspicious after hearing 'flipping' noises coming from the vicinity of her waist," the Australian Customs Service said in a press release. "An examination revealed 15 plastic water-filled bags holding fish allegedly concealed inside a purpose-built apron."
Woman charged with smuggling fish in skirt
Monday, June 06, 2005
G p s P a s S i o n
Are you interested in GPS? I found a great site where you can learn a lot about the different GPS hardware and software out there. The article I've linked to specificly teaches you about the different chipsets used by the different GPS units out today. This article alone went a long way to helping me decide on getting the GlobalSat BT-338! Great place to learn about GPS! Great place to learn about GPS!
Canon USA Consumer Products - EOS (SLR) Camera Systems - Digital Rebel XT
Guess who is getting back into photography?!? Me! Haven't been recording my son growing up for almost 10 years! My friend just updated his camera to a Digital EOS. Man that thing is sweet. Now I'm looking to do so as well.
Canon - Digital Rebel XT
Canon - Digital Rebel XT
Monday, May 23, 2005
Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
My son and I are sitting in our chosen seats for the latest, greatest, and sadly the last episode in the saga of Star Wars. Man I was his age when A New Hope was released! I lost count how many times I saw that movie. I can't tell which one of us are more excited! Only 24 minutes left till the scheduled start....
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Look out! Abyss is back...
For my birthday last October my wife and son bought me a ZBoard controler. Now I've been gaming since almost as long as Bled. (Yes I'm that old!) For the most part I have used a standard keyboard and mouse for FPS. Over the years I have tried more than a few controlers to see if they would work better for me. Here is just a few of them:
Belkin's Nostromo Speedpad n52
Thrustmaster's Tacticalboard
Microsoft Sidewinder Strategic Commander
Everyone of them took a long time to get used to. And in the end I have ended up going back to a standard keyboard and mouse. That is until I got my ZBoard! You want to know how I know the ZBoard is a keeper? It was the only one of the devices that I missed when I was forced to stop using it for a while.
Well I am now back to using my ZBoard so if all of a sudden you are dying by my hands more so than usaual you'll know why.
Belkin's Nostromo Speedpad n52
Thrustmaster's Tacticalboard
Microsoft Sidewinder Strategic Commander
Everyone of them took a long time to get used to. And in the end I have ended up going back to a standard keyboard and mouse. That is until I got my ZBoard! You want to know how I know the ZBoard is a keeper? It was the only one of the devices that I missed when I was forced to stop using it for a while.
Either the first run of these keyboards had a design defect or I just wore the sucker out. The makers of the board say it was a design defect and have replaced my board. This board does look slightly different so I'm I have hope.
Well I am now back to using my ZBoard so if all of a sudden you are dying by my hands more so than usaual you'll know why.
Friday, May 06, 2005
My wife cracks me up!
If you have a bad cough, take a large dose of laxatives, then you will be afraid to cough.
The high price of Health Care...
A woman brought a very limp duck into a veterinary surgeon. As she laid her pet on the table, the vet pulled out his stethoscope and listened to the bird's chest. After a moment or two, the vet shook his head sadly and said, "I'm so sorry, your pet has passed away."
The distressed owner wailed, "Are you sure?" "Yes, I'm sure. The duck is dead" he replied. "How can you be so sure?" she protested.
"I mean you haven't done any testing on him or anything. He might just be in a coma or something." The vet rolled his eyes, turned around and left the room.
He returned a few moments later with a black Labrador Retriever. As the duck's owner looked on in amazement, the dog stood on his hind legs, put his front paws on the examination table and sniffed the duck from top to bottom. He then looked at the vet with sad eyes and shook his head. The vet patted the dog and took it out and returned a few moments later with a beautiful cat.
The cat jumped up on the table and also sniffed the bird from its beak to its tail and back again. The cat sat back on its haunches, shook its head, meowed softly, jumped down and strolled out of the room. The vet looked at the woman and said, "I'm sorry, but as I said, this is most definitely, 100% certifiably, a dead duck."
Then the vet turned to his computer terminal, hit a few keys, and produced a bill, which he handed to the woman. The duck's owner, still in shock, took the bill. "$300!" she cried. "$300 just to tell me my duck is dead?!!"
The vet shrugged. "I'm sorry. If you'd taken my word for it, the bill would have been $40. But with the Lab Report and the Cat Scan, it all adds up."
Thanks to my wife for this laugh! ;-)
The distressed owner wailed, "Are you sure?" "Yes, I'm sure. The duck is dead" he replied. "How can you be so sure?" she protested.
"I mean you haven't done any testing on him or anything. He might just be in a coma or something." The vet rolled his eyes, turned around and left the room.
He returned a few moments later with a black Labrador Retriever. As the duck's owner looked on in amazement, the dog stood on his hind legs, put his front paws on the examination table and sniffed the duck from top to bottom. He then looked at the vet with sad eyes and shook his head. The vet patted the dog and took it out and returned a few moments later with a beautiful cat.
The cat jumped up on the table and also sniffed the bird from its beak to its tail and back again. The cat sat back on its haunches, shook its head, meowed softly, jumped down and strolled out of the room. The vet looked at the woman and said, "I'm sorry, but as I said, this is most definitely, 100% certifiably, a dead duck."
Then the vet turned to his computer terminal, hit a few keys, and produced a bill, which he handed to the woman. The duck's owner, still in shock, took the bill. "$300!" she cried. "$300 just to tell me my duck is dead?!!"
The vet shrugged. "I'm sorry. If you'd taken my word for it, the bill would have been $40. But with the Lab Report and the Cat Scan, it all adds up."
Thanks to my wife for this laugh! ;-)
Go check out Thumper's Hole!
My best friend has jumped into blogging with both feet.... Man is this going to be fun.
LOOK OUT WORLD...We have freedom of speech and we are not afraid to use it!
Go check out his site!
Thumper's Hole
LOOK OUT WORLD...We have freedom of speech and we are not afraid to use it!
Go check out his site!
Thumper's Hole
Thursday, May 05, 2005
SMS Goodness
I love SMS. I love my Pocket PC Phone. SMS on my Pocket PC phone rocks. There are a few apps out that make SMS on a Pocket PC work even better.
PocketMonkey's SMSPro
I've posted about this one before. I just downloaded the new version after almost a month of not using the app. (long story) Low and behold the latest version is amazing. The programmer has really smoothed out the interface and is working on adding features.
Check it out the following forums to learn more about SMSPro and it's latest features. You might even be able to get a beta version of this great app.
SMSPro Forums at
Here is another cool sounding app I have learned of. DND (Do Not Disturb) will send an SMS message of your choosing to people when you miss there call. The app sounds feature rich, usable, and very configuable. A trial is available but seems limited to 3 missed call SMS messages.
DND at
PocketMonkey's SMSPro
I've posted about this one before. I just downloaded the new version after almost a month of not using the app. (long story) Low and behold the latest version is amazing. The programmer has really smoothed out the interface and is working on adding features.
Check it out the following forums to learn more about SMSPro and it's latest features. You might even be able to get a beta version of this great app.
SMSPro Forums at
Here is another cool sounding app I have learned of. DND (Do Not Disturb) will send an SMS message of your choosing to people when you miss there call. The app sounds feature rich, usable, and very configuable. A trial is available but seems limited to 3 missed call SMS messages.
DND at
Monday, May 02, 2005
Friday, April 29, 2005
On March 23, The Florida Senate passed SB-436, "Castle Doctrine" by a vote of YEAS 39 to NAYS 0
On April 5, The Florida House passed SB-436, "Castle Doctrine" by a vote of YEAS 94 to NAYS 20
On April 26, Governor Jeb Bush SIGNED SB-436, "Castle Doctrine" into law (Chapter No. 2005-27) It takes effect on October 1, 2005.
For those who want detailed information on why this bill is important, the following information is provided.
A great deal of erroneous information has been written, published and spoken about Florida's new "Castle Doctrine" bill.
Claims that the new law will turn Florida into the Wild West are not only an insult to intelligent people but give a patently false portrait of what the bill actually does.
The Florida "Castle Doctrine" bill does basically three things:
One: It establishes, in law, the presumption that a criminal who forcibly enters or intrudes into your home or occupied vehicle is there to cause death or great bodily harm, therefore a person may use any manner of force, including deadly force, against that person.
Two: It removes the "duty to retreat" if you are attacked in any place you have a right to be. You no longer have to turn your back on a criminal and try to run when attacked. Instead, you may stand your ground and fight back, meeting force with force, including deadly force, if you reasonably believe it is necessary to prevent death or great bodily harm to yourself or others.
Three: It provides that persons using force authorized by law shall not be prosecuted for using such force.
It also prohibits criminals and their families from suing victims for injuring or killing the criminals who have attacked them.
In short, it gives rights back to law-abiding people and forces judges and prosecutors who are prone to coddling criminals to instead focus on protecting victims.
NRA-ILA :: Releases
On April 5, The Florida House passed SB-436, "Castle Doctrine" by a vote of YEAS 94 to NAYS 20
On April 26, Governor Jeb Bush SIGNED SB-436, "Castle Doctrine" into law (Chapter No. 2005-27) It takes effect on October 1, 2005.
For those who want detailed information on why this bill is important, the following information is provided.
A great deal of erroneous information has been written, published and spoken about Florida's new "Castle Doctrine" bill.
Claims that the new law will turn Florida into the Wild West are not only an insult to intelligent people but give a patently false portrait of what the bill actually does.
The Florida "Castle Doctrine" bill does basically three things:
One: It establishes, in law, the presumption that a criminal who forcibly enters or intrudes into your home or occupied vehicle is there to cause death or great bodily harm, therefore a person may use any manner of force, including deadly force, against that person.
Two: It removes the "duty to retreat" if you are attacked in any place you have a right to be. You no longer have to turn your back on a criminal and try to run when attacked. Instead, you may stand your ground and fight back, meeting force with force, including deadly force, if you reasonably believe it is necessary to prevent death or great bodily harm to yourself or others.
Three: It provides that persons using force authorized by law shall not be prosecuted for using such force.
It also prohibits criminals and their families from suing victims for injuring or killing the criminals who have attacked them.
In short, it gives rights back to law-abiding people and forces judges and prosecutors who are prone to coddling criminals to instead focus on protecting victims.
NRA-ILA :: Releases
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Good Morning America's show on 4/27/2005
Did you watch Good Morning America's show today? Did you see their segment regarding the signing of the Use of Force/Restoring the Castle Doctrine law in Florida? If you check out the link to their site below you will see a more balanced addressing of this story. But on the air Diane stated that now in Florida you will be able to shoot someone who shoves you. This is total BS. Diane is spouting Anti Gun reteric. "Florida will be like the wild west.." This is the same BS they claimed when Florida passed their Concealed Weapons Law 20 something years ago. It wasn't true then and it is not true now.
I wish news shows could just report the facts without putting their spin on things. There is no illusion that Diane is anti gun. Everytime there is anything related to guns on GMA she is the one reporting on it and she is ALWAYS taken the Anti gun views.
In case you all want to know what this law is really about it is about restoring a RIGHT that the courts have eroded over the years. If you read the law you would say. DUH THAT'S JUST COMMON SENCE.
Here is the link to the blurb on ABC News regarding the bills passing.
ABC News: Florida Enacts 'Force With Force' Law
Here is a link to the text of the law. Read it for yourself and see if it will let you shot someone for if they just push you...
The Florida Senate: SB-436
I wish news shows could just report the facts without putting their spin on things. There is no illusion that Diane is anti gun. Everytime there is anything related to guns on GMA she is the one reporting on it and she is ALWAYS taken the Anti gun views.
In case you all want to know what this law is really about it is about restoring a RIGHT that the courts have eroded over the years. If you read the law you would say. DUH THAT'S JUST COMMON SENCE.
Here is the link to the blurb on ABC News regarding the bills passing.
ABC News: Florida Enacts 'Force With Force' Law
Here is a link to the text of the law. Read it for yourself and see if it will let you shot someone for if they just push you...
The Florida Senate: SB-436
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Upgrade to Windows XP Professional x64 Edition from Windows XP Professional (32-bit) for FREE!
If you bought a new computer that came pre-installed with Windows XP Professional between March 31st, 2003 and July 31, 2005 you can exchange your License for it and get a Copy of Windows XP Professional x64 Edition.
Microsoft� Windows� x64 Edition Technology Advancement Program
Microsoft� Windows� x64 Edition Technology Advancement Program
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Sargeant convicted in attack on fellow troops
Where do I go to volunteer for the firing squad?!? - Sargeant convicted in attack on fellow troops - Sargeant convicted in attack on fellow troops
Clearing The Air, NOT!
My wife has been after me to buy one of these air Cleaners. Now I'm glad that we haven't! If you are using one of these you better check out the article link! They do list two at the very bottom that did get a good rating.
Clearing The Air
There are some alternatives to room air cleaners that Consumer Reports does recommend. They include the Friedrich C-90A for $450 and the Whirlpool 45030 for $250.
Testers say they both do a good job of cleaning dust, smoke and pollen and they produced little ozone.
Clearing The Air
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Jane Fonda spit on by Veteran.
"During that trip she was photographed laughing as she sat on a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft tank."
She did a hell of a lot more than just sit on a tank for a photo! She gave aid and confort to the enemy during a time of war and should have been shot back in '72 as a traitor! Just do a Google search on Jane Fonda + Vietnam
"There are a lot of veterans who would love to do what I did," the Star quoted Smith as saying.
Not just veterans! I still say she should be tried as a traitor. But don't go spitting on her, that will get you thrown in jail. I will continue, as I have since my daddy taught me about miss Fonda, to refrian from purchasing anything that gives her money.
Man Spits in Jane Fonda's Face at Book Signing
Bali takes the war on Drugs a lot more seriously than the US.
Check out this article at the Herald Sun.
If you get caught trying to smugle drugs you can get the death penalty!
Hell of a lot more direct than "Just say no!"
Herald Sun: Video reveals Bali death fears [21apr05]
If you get caught trying to smugle drugs you can get the death penalty!
Hell of a lot more direct than "Just say no!"
Herald Sun: Video reveals Bali death fears [21apr05]
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
PC: Call of Duty 2
Finaly some Call Of Duty 2 info. Looks like the game will be out this fall. COOL!
PC: Call of Duty 2
PC: Call of Duty 2
Samsung i700 with Accessories!
Selling my beloved i700 for cheap on eBay. Starting price is $200 with no reserve! Still no bids and the auction ends tonight at 10 minutes after 8pm (EST)! Check it out, and bid!
Freaking $700 hand-held computer/phone for $200!
eBay item 5767337822 (Ends Apr-19-05 17:09:21 PDT) - Samsung i700 with Accessories!
Freaking $700 hand-held computer/phone for $200!
eBay item 5767337822 (Ends Apr-19-05 17:09:21 PDT) - Samsung i700 with Accessories!
Verizon boss... Our phones don't work - | The Register
"Why in the world would you think your (cell) phone would work in your house?" he said. "The customer has come to expect so much. They want it to work in the elevator; they want it to work in the basement."
Oh... I don't know.... Maybe because you charge us so much for your service we expect to get signal even if we were on the frigging MOON!
Verizon can you here me now? Yes you can. Cause I switched to Sprint! Wow and I can even call you from inside my office.
Our phones don't work - Verizon boss | The Register
Oh... I don't know.... Maybe because you charge us so much for your service we expect to get signal even if we were on the frigging MOON!
Verizon can you here me now? Yes you can. Cause I switched to Sprint! Wow and I can even call you from inside my office.
Our phones don't work - Verizon boss | The Register - Online Dictionary, Encyclopedia and much more
Check 'em out. Here be a site I maybe able to send my kid to so he can learn something! - Online Dictionary, Encyclopedia and much more
And they have a mobile version as well! - Online Dictionary, Encyclopedia and much more
And they have a mobile version as well!
Screen Shots of SMSPro at PocketMonkey
New software about to hit the streets in Beta form that will give PocketPCs the capability to handle SMS like IM Chat. VERY COOL!
Screen Shots - SMSPro
Screen Shots - SMSPro
Friday, April 15, 2005
Thursday, April 14, 2005
"Time Management with PDAs"
Anyone who knows me knows that I carry a Pocket PC Phone everywhere I go. Well now that I'm more a manager at work I'm getting into time management in a big way. Found a very useful site with tons of information and links about time management and PDA use.
"Time Management with useful"
"Time Management with useful" - Data a constant companion in a wireless world - Apr 11, 2005
It's why I carry a Pocket PC Phone... - Data a constant companion in a wireless world - Apr 11, 2005 - Data a constant companion in a wireless world - Apr 11, 2005
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
WPA Wireless Security for Home Networks
Old article but since a lot of people are still using WEP for wireless protection.... Read, learn, and make your wireless network more secure with WPA.
WPA Wireless Security for Home Networks
WPA Wireless Security for Home Networks
Thursday, April 07, 2005
US News Article |
"Bryan Barton caught me crossing the border and all I got was this lousy T-shirt."
I so want to move to AZ and Join this Militia!
US News Article |
I so want to move to AZ and Join this Militia!
US News Article | - MIT developing $100 laptops for children - Apr 4, 2005
"Details are still being worked out, but here's the MIT team's current recipe: Put the laptop on a software diet; use the freely distributed Linux operating system; design a battery capable of being recharged with a hand crank; and use newly developed "electronic ink" or a novel rear-projected image display with a 12-inch screen." - MIT developing $100 laptops for children - Apr 4, 2005: "Details are still being worked out, but here's the MIT team's current recipe: Put the laptop on a software diet; use the freely distributed Linux operating system; design a battery capable of being recharged with a hand crank; and use newly developed 'electronic ink' or a novel rear-projected image display with a 12-inch screen." - MIT developing $100 laptops for children - Apr 4, 2005: "Details are still being worked out, but here's the MIT team's current recipe: Put the laptop on a software diet; use the freely distributed Linux operating system; design a battery capable of being recharged with a hand crank; and use newly developed 'electronic ink' or a novel rear-projected image display with a 12-inch screen." - Hackers add Web, chat to PSP - Apr 5, 2005
I guess there maybe a use for a PSP after all... Naaaa I'll stick to my Pocket PC Phone and my computer games. Of course my son is going to want one... I could always play his! ;-) - Hackers add Web, chat to PSP - Apr 5, 2005 - Hackers add Web, chat to PSP - Apr 5, 2005
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Florida Bill before Jeb Bush..SB-436 - Personal Protection/Castle Doctrine
Letter I sent to Governor Bush...
Governor Bush,
Please sign SB-436 - Personal Protection/Castle Doctrine into law.
I am a Florida resident that has been the victim of a violent crime. It changed my life. I have chosen to never be a victim again. I have always been dumbfounded by our laws when trying to research into what actions that I can or can not take in defening myself and or my family. When this new law is signed I and the rest of our Florida residents can fear their attacker(s) more than they fear our Judicial system.
Homeland security begins and ends with us as individuals.
Thank you for your service to the state of Florida.
Governor Bush,
Please sign SB-436 - Personal Protection/Castle Doctrine into law.
I am a Florida resident that has been the victim of a violent crime. It changed my life. I have chosen to never be a victim again. I have always been dumbfounded by our laws when trying to research into what actions that I can or can not take in defening myself and or my family. When this new law is signed I and the rest of our Florida residents can fear their attacker(s) more than they fear our Judicial system.
Homeland security begins and ends with us as individuals.
Thank you for your service to the state of Florida.
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Skype for PPC: Free Phone Calls from a Windows Pocket PC? is one great site.
Here is a link to a guide they did on getting Skype to work on a Pocket PC. If you have a WiFi connection you can make free phone calls from your Pocket PC.
Tom's Hardware Guide Mobile Devices: Skype for PPC: Free Phone Calls from a Windows Pocket PC? - Multi-Talented PDA
Here is a link to a guide they did on getting Skype to work on a Pocket PC. If you have a WiFi connection you can make free phone calls from your Pocket PC.
Tom's Hardware Guide Mobile Devices: Skype for PPC: Free Phone Calls from a Windows Pocket PC? - Multi-Talented PDA
64-Bit Windows XP Released To Manufacturing
My first post regarding this topic may have been a little too inflammatory. This edit is just the facts.
Intel came out with a 64 bit processor that either wouldn't run 32 bit code or would not run 32 bit code as well as a 32 bit processor.
AMD came out with a 64 bit processor that could ALSO run 32 bit code.
This was a great idea. This chip allowed you to upgrade your system/server with a chip that would allow you to run all of your existing 32 bit code today... Then when you are ready/able you could replace your 32 bit applications with 64 bit applications when you could.
AND has had their 64 bit processors available to the public for YEARS!
Microsoft released a free beta of Windows XP 64 that would only run for a year. This version of XP lacked some of the features of the 32 version of XP.
Intel is now ready to start selling 64 bit processors with 32 bit code execution ability.
Microsoft is now ready to RELEASE all of their 64 bit Applications and Operating Systems.
You connect the dots...
You do the math... | Entertainment News | a collection of the overt
Intel came out with a 64 bit processor that either wouldn't run 32 bit code or would not run 32 bit code as well as a 32 bit processor.
AMD came out with a 64 bit processor that could ALSO run 32 bit code.
This was a great idea. This chip allowed you to upgrade your system/server with a chip that would allow you to run all of your existing 32 bit code today... Then when you are ready/able you could replace your 32 bit applications with 64 bit applications when you could.
AND has had their 64 bit processors available to the public for YEARS!
Microsoft released a free beta of Windows XP 64 that would only run for a year. This version of XP lacked some of the features of the 32 version of XP.
Intel is now ready to start selling 64 bit processors with 32 bit code execution ability.
Microsoft is now ready to RELEASE all of their 64 bit Applications and Operating Systems.
You connect the dots...
You do the math... | Entertainment News | a collection of the overt
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Telegraph | News | Johnnie Cochran died today
Johnnie Cochran the famous lawyer that got OJ off died today. What do you think the first thing Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman said to him?
Telegraph | News | Johnnie Cochran: "Nicole Brown, and her friend Ronald Goldman"
Telegraph | News | Johnnie Cochran: "Nicole Brown, and her friend Ronald Goldman"
Saturday, March 19, 2005
A very interesting and SCARY post from SIGforum
I'm going to be gone for awhile, but first a few words of wisdom...
You have to drill down to the 2nd page till you get more information but looks like a this guy is getting railroaded big time.
You have to drill down to the 2nd page till you get more information but looks like a this guy is getting railroaded big time.
Just to be clear here..
My statements previously regarding Living Wills was just that a statement regarding Living Wills. I was not trying to make a statement regarding whether Terri's feeding tube should be removed or not. From what I have learned, Terri is not in a vegetated State. From what I've read she may even be able to eat without the tube if she would be allowed to receive the therapy she has been denied. Who has denied this therapy? Her husband, for over 10 years now. Here is a link to a site where you can learn the facts behind Terri's story.
Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation
When your done here is a site a Google search on Living Wills found for me. Looks like you have to tailor any Living Will or Advance Directive document to the State Law for the State you are living in. Which means if you move you will have to update your document.
Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation
When your done here is a site a Google search on Living Wills found for me. Looks like you have to tailor any Living Will or Advance Directive document to the State Law for the State you are living in. Which means if you move you will have to update your document.
If you haven't already FILL OUT A LIVING WILL!
No peace yet for Terri Schiavo
If this doesn't make you fill out a living will nothing will. Let's say this happened to me. I'm now a vegetable being kept alive on a machine and I didn't have a living will. If my mother and father objected to my wife pulling the plug what would happen?
1) My wife and son would not get any insurance money or benefits from.
2) My wife and son would be saddled with my continued medical costs.
3) I would have to endure limbo.
Now what would happen if we passed a law that said the government could stop someone from pulling the plug?
1) My wife and son would not get any insurance money or benefits from.
2) My wife and son would be saddled with my continued medical costs. OR The tax payers would be saddled with my continued medical costs.
3) I would have to endure limbo.
So fill out a Living Will today. It is not enough any more to have a understanding between love ones. PUT IT IN PRINT AND HAVE IT NOTARIZED!
If this doesn't make you fill out a living will nothing will. Let's say this happened to me. I'm now a vegetable being kept alive on a machine and I didn't have a living will. If my mother and father objected to my wife pulling the plug what would happen?
1) My wife and son would not get any insurance money or benefits from.
2) My wife and son would be saddled with my continued medical costs.
3) I would have to endure limbo.
Now what would happen if we passed a law that said the government could stop someone from pulling the plug?
1) My wife and son would not get any insurance money or benefits from.
2) My wife and son would be saddled with my continued medical costs. OR The tax payers would be saddled with my continued medical costs.
3) I would have to endure limbo.
So fill out a Living Will today. It is not enough any more to have a understanding between love ones. PUT IT IN PRINT AND HAVE IT NOTARIZED!
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Once again Google rules!
Seems I have to give up on MSN spaces. Am now in the process of moving my posts from my old site to this new one. Should have stuck with Google and to begin with. Oh well. Live and learn.
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Oh Patches!
It is with a sad heart I write of the passing of Patches. Our vet tried all he could including 2 exploritory surgeries but he was unable to save her. She passed early this morning. We are consoled with the knowledge that all living things have a purpose in this life. Our hearts are lifted with the truth that Patches now is free from pain and is in a far better place. She was not the pet I have had the logest. She is not the pet I have had the most fun with. But she is the the pet who tried so hard to communicate with me and I tried so hard to understand her. God bless you Patches and keep you till we meet again.
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Poor Patches!
One of my two cats has taking ill. Vet had to do Exploratory Surgery and took some biopsies. We are waiting for the results. I used to laugh when I heard of people spending 100's of dollars on medical care for their pets, until now. It's been two weeks, and almost $1,000, and a million prayers!
Ops, been too long!
Sorry. It's been too long since I last posted! I've been very busy at work. Have moved from a team leadership postion to a Director of a Department.
Will try to update more often. Not that anyone seems to be visiting this site but me. Oh well. At least it's fun for me!
Will try to update more often. Not that anyone seems to be visiting this site but me. Oh well. At least it's fun for me!
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Verizon Signal strength?
I do not care what Verizon's claims are regarding their service map. I use to have great service everywhere including my office. But about 9 mths ago something changed and my service at my office has been almost 100% useless. If the version signal would drop out enough I would get FULL signal roaming on an another carier. No data but I could make and recieve calls. BUT NO! Verizon hangs on even at ZERO BARS. Nothing I seem to be able to do will convince them that they changed something for the worse and that they need to change it back. I am about ready to just buy my way out of my contract and be done with them.
Some people!
For some people the only reliable thing about them is that they are reliably un-reliable.
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
NTFS or FAT32?
If you are trying to decide which file allocation system to use on your gaming rig I have found an article written just for you! NTFS or FAT32? Makes me glad I jumped to NTFS when I went with XP on day one of it's release. Other than that you will have to check out the article to see which is better.
Comcast 4, me 0
Looks like comcast was not able to find any of their seires 1 Two turner DVR set top boxes so I will not be getting one. I asked if they had any updated information regarding when the "PATCH" was supposed to be out but she said she didn't know anything other than they knew about the problem and were working on getting a fix out as soon as possible. She asked if their was anything else she could do and I said she could give me a credit for my trouble. Which she promptly did.
I have read elsewere (Google rocks!) that others have been able to make this problem occur less often by unplugging their DVRs for a few minutes and letting them reload. I think I will try that tonight. Having to watch all the shows I'm intrested in when they air is cutting into my computer gaming time BIG TIME. Can't have that. My clan needs me!
I have read elsewere (Google rocks!) that others have been able to make this problem occur less often by unplugging their DVRs for a few minutes and letting them reload. I think I will try that tonight. Having to watch all the shows I'm intrested in when they air is cutting into my computer gaming time BIG TIME. Can't have that. My clan needs me!
Comcast DVR FIX!?!
Nothing agravates me more than spending thousands of dollars on a 50 inch Home Entertainment system only to hear my wife complain (yet again) that it has locked up while she is watching Friends!
Comcast's DCT6412 made by Motorola box number 5 step on down!
Just got off the phone with a Comcast Rep. Seems that they are now admitting that there is a problem with at least a batch of their Two Turner DVR set top boxes. I think it helped that I was able to give them this link regarding a newspaper article regarding the problem. The problems are frezing screens (when watching live tv) and corupted or missed recordings. Seems Comcast only has this problem in what they call their series 2 DVR but their Series 1 DVRs do not have this problem. Comcast said Motorola is aware of the problem and should be sending them (Comcast) a PATCH that they will be able to download to all the boxes. Since I've been dealing with this problem for 3 boxes now, and 2 tech trips out to my house... Comcast is finding me a series 1 two Turner DVR and hooking me up.
Comcast's DCT6412 made by Motorola box number 5 step on down!
Just got off the phone with a Comcast Rep. Seems that they are now admitting that there is a problem with at least a batch of their Two Turner DVR set top boxes. I think it helped that I was able to give them this link regarding a newspaper article regarding the problem. The problems are frezing screens (when watching live tv) and corupted or missed recordings. Seems Comcast only has this problem in what they call their series 2 DVR but their Series 1 DVRs do not have this problem. Comcast said Motorola is aware of the problem and should be sending them (Comcast) a PATCH that they will be able to download to all the boxes. Since I've been dealing with this problem for 3 boxes now, and 2 tech trips out to my house... Comcast is finding me a series 1 two Turner DVR and hooking me up.
Friday, February 11, 2005
Upgrade complete!
My system drive has been upgraded. I'm now using a Western Digital Raptor. This is a 74 Gig, 10,000 RPM drive using the SATA interface. The reviews of this drive are not lies! This upgrade has given my computer a nice kick in the pants. If anyone is looking to build them a new system I would highly recommend they use SATA drives instead of EIDE. As as far as the 10,000 RPM drives being loud. The one I bought isn't. If I wasn't looking out for the noise I would not have even noticed it. (But I do have a moderate level of fan noise!). Had some trouble having both a SATA drive and an EIDE drive and wanting to boot from the SATA until I messed with the Bios settings on my MSI motherboard. Other than that the install went without a hitch.
Monday, February 07, 2005
Check out my clan (WoW)
Just a buch of guys who enjoy playing Call of Duty and want to take it to the next level.
Check out our temporary site:
Check out our temporary site:
Battlefield 2 News
Some Good.
Some Bad.
Let's get the bad out of the way! Looks like the release of Battlefield 2 has been pushed back from it's March 2005 date. Click here for details.
Now let's console ourselves with some good. Saw a list of some of the really cool features expected in Battlfield 2 on a web site.
Here are just a few of the highlights...
Online multiplayer action with 64 players on the PC.
All-new gameplay engine brings the immense locations to life complete with realistic physics and dynamic lighting.
Maps scale to the number of players engaging in battle for a unique and intense experience every time.
Take control of over 30 land, sea, and air vehicles, including tanks, helicopters, hovercraft, fast attack vehicles, and fighter jets.
Choose to battle as U.S., Chinese, or Middle East Coalition troops, each with their own unique arsenals
A variety of solider classes to choose from, including Assault, Sniper, Special Ops, Combat Engineer, and Anti-tank units.
Join a squad or select the new Commander Mode to assume the strategic role of a battlefield commander directing his forces.
New state-of-the-art weapon systems, including heat seeking missiles and laser designated bombs.
Material penetration feature makes sure players know the difference between cover and concealment.
Character Persistence and Growth. With in-game success, players increase their rank and unlock awards.
Earn ranks ranging from Recruit all the way to General.
Full in-game community support including, buddy lists, stat tracking.
Voice-over IP supported with USB headset.
Remember how great it was to be able to be a ground pounder and call in arty and witness it's great affects. Now we will be able to laser designate a target for Fast Movers to lock on to. Check out the following links for more information. Also I might add that I've viewed a video of groud combat of Battlefield 2 and was over joyed to see the player able to use the iron sights of their weapons.>
Some Bad.
Let's get the bad out of the way! Looks like the release of Battlefield 2 has been pushed back from it's March 2005 date. Click here for details.
Now let's console ourselves with some good. Saw a list of some of the really cool features expected in Battlfield 2 on a web site.
Here are just a few of the highlights...
Online multiplayer action with 64 players on the PC.
All-new gameplay engine brings the immense locations to life complete with realistic physics and dynamic lighting.
Maps scale to the number of players engaging in battle for a unique and intense experience every time.
Take control of over 30 land, sea, and air vehicles, including tanks, helicopters, hovercraft, fast attack vehicles, and fighter jets.
Choose to battle as U.S., Chinese, or Middle East Coalition troops, each with their own unique arsenals
A variety of solider classes to choose from, including Assault, Sniper, Special Ops, Combat Engineer, and Anti-tank units.
Join a squad or select the new Commander Mode to assume the strategic role of a battlefield commander directing his forces.
New state-of-the-art weapon systems, including heat seeking missiles and laser designated bombs.
Material penetration feature makes sure players know the difference between cover and concealment.
Character Persistence and Growth. With in-game success, players increase their rank and unlock awards.
Earn ranks ranging from Recruit all the way to General.
Full in-game community support including, buddy lists, stat tracking.
Voice-over IP supported with USB headset.
Remember how great it was to be able to be a ground pounder and call in arty and witness it's great affects. Now we will be able to laser designate a target for Fast Movers to lock on to. Check out the following links for more information. Also I might add that I've viewed a video of groud combat of Battlefield 2 and was over joyed to see the player able to use the iron sights of their weapons.>
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
Time to upgrade again....
Gotten the ich to try an upgrade my system again. Only thing lacking could be the Hard Drive. I have an UltraATA 133 now. Have order a 10,000 RPM SATA Raptor from Jumping from ATA to SATA will be a nice jump. Jumping from 7,400 RPM to a 10,000 RPM will be even more. Later on when the price of the drives lowers I'll pick up another one and try a Raid0 configuration. I'll keep you posted.
Monday, January 31, 2005
Abyss joins (WoW)
Yesterday I was invited to join the gaming clan (WoW). They seem to be a bunch of guys around my age that play the same games I do. Looks like they spend a lot of time playing on either of the two 7thCav servers. If you play Call of Duty's United Offinsive come join us for a round or two. My new game name is (WoW)Abyss. Be snipping you soon!
Friday, January 28, 2005
My Home Theater System
While looking for a different picture here at work I saw that I had one of my new TV, AV system, and enterainment center. Thought I'd up-load the picture. This picture was taking with the camera on my cell phone so it's of very poor quality. The TV is a 50 inch (widescreen) Panasonic LCD. We have since moved the whole setup to the opsite wall in the room. I'll have to get a new picture on the site cause this one just doesn't do it justice!
DVD Collection
Speaking of Home Theaters and Movie Collecting... I have recently downloaded the trial version of Movie Collector by I really like this software, will buy it and do recomend it to others. (That says a lot as I'm a software developer with the ability and means to create my own application to keep track of my movie library.) The trial version will alow you to input up to 50 titles before requiring you to purchase and register.
Easy to enter movies: enter move title and the app downloads movie details from the internet.Keep track of borrowed movies.Lots of fields, user configuable, nice layout.$39.95, but if you give them your email address they will send you a code to get 10% off. Con
Theres a field to keep track of how much you paid for each title. I clicked on a screen and saw a grand total of how much I've spent on movies. If my wife every sees this screen I'm done for!
Easy to enter movies: enter move title and the app downloads movie details from the internet.Keep track of borrowed movies.Lots of fields, user configuable, nice layout.$39.95, but if you give them your email address they will send you a code to get 10% off. Con
Theres a field to keep track of how much you paid for each title. I clicked on a screen and saw a grand total of how much I've spent on movies. If my wife every sees this screen I'm done for!
Sorry for not updating this blog!
Been very busy of late and have backed away from this new hobby of mine. Those who know me know I'm very big into hobbies. For those who don't know me... well here is just a list of my current hobbies: Rifle Target Shooting, Action Pistol Shooting, Home Theaters, Movie Collecting, Computer Games, Pocket PC, and Ham Radio. I do however want to get more into Blogging so you should start to see more action on this site! Hope you come again.
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