Friday, September 02, 2005

Is FEMA to blame?

"This is a national disgrace," said New Orleans' emergency operations chief Terry Ebbert.
"We can send massive amounts of aid to tsunami victims, but we can't bail out the city of New Orleans."'
"They don't have a clue what's going on down there," Mayor Ray Nagin told WWL-AM Thursday night. "Excuse my French - everybody in America - but I am pissed."
First off we need to help those in need now. I am and I hope you can too.

Now it seems there are a lot of people pointing a finger at FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) as the ones who have failed the people displaced by this natural disaster. But I have not seen anyone placing any blame on anyone at either the County, City or State levels!

FEMA's purpose to to help states that request their help because a disaster is beyond the local and state's ability to handle. FEMA's purpose is not to provide on the spot care the second something goes wrong. It is the job of County, City, and State Emergency operations to deal with their County, City, and State Emergencies. The Federal Government can help when they need to. Do they need to in this situation? YES. Why? For 2 reasons. 1) because of the large number of displaced. and 2) cause of the complete and total failure of the COUNTY, CITY, AND STATE EMERGENCY OPERATIONS to ADEQUATELY plan and better handle this disaster. It is no secret that the city of New Orleans resides in a flood zone. It has been this way ever since the first idiot who thought it would be good idea to put a city there. The city has been a disaster waiting to happen from day one and EVERYBODY knew this. So please stop blaming FEMA for not doing the job that should have been handled by county, city, and state agencies. The only thing FEMA has failed at has been not pointing people to correctly place the blame where it belongs.


Anonymous said...

Hey Tim ... I agree OUR society is at the point it blames everyone else with their problems. Society needs an enema and I for one think that this last Hurricane was that enema, but people still are blaming others for their own misfortune. I don't think that the City, County, and State Emergency services failed it is the leadership that they have failed and they want to put the blame on someone else. I don't think that we should blame others with our own stupidity, especially when a mandatory evacuation was placed! How can we not heed the warning? How can we blame others with our own problems? Society SEEMS to play the Blame game and until We Learn to STEP UP TO THE PLATE AND LEARN TO ACCEPT OUR RESPONSIBILITIES AND OUR OWN ACTIONS. When we learn to do this simple little principle we will be a better society.

Now My next point is why is it that only a few people are willing to Do what is necisary and help other victims in their area. Why should aid be sent if those who live in the area wont or can't help themselves first. So once again why should the rest of us help?

Why should we help? Because that is the Humain thing to do.. We should provide what aid we can for our fellow man, however we should not expect others to take care of us. If we can't take care of our selves then we shouldn't expect others to take care of us!

Timothy Bath said...

My comments were directed to the leaders of said county, city, and state agencies. The rank & file can only do so much and I know that right now they are doing all they can do. Their leaders failed to prepare them better, or hamstrung them to the point they couldn't do their jobs.