Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Good Morning America's show on 4/27/2005

Did you watch Good Morning America's show today? Did you see their segment regarding the signing of the Use of Force/Restoring the Castle Doctrine law in Florida? If you check out the link to their site below you will see a more balanced addressing of this story. But on the air Diane stated that now in Florida you will be able to shoot someone who shoves you. This is total BS. Diane is spouting Anti Gun reteric. "Florida will be like the wild west.." This is the same BS they claimed when Florida passed their Concealed Weapons Law 20 something years ago. It wasn't true then and it is not true now.

I wish news shows could just report the facts without putting their spin on things. There is no illusion that Diane is anti gun. Everytime there is anything related to guns on GMA she is the one reporting on it and she is ALWAYS taken the Anti gun views.

In case you all want to know what this law is really about it is about restoring a RIGHT that the courts have eroded over the years. If you read the law you would say. DUH THAT'S JUST COMMON SENCE.

Here is the link to the blurb on ABC News regarding the bills passing.

ABC News: Florida Enacts 'Force With Force' Law

Here is a link to the text of the law. Read it for yourself and see if it will let you shot someone for if they just push you...

The Florida Senate: SB-436

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