Friday, November 07, 2008

Hey kids: Let's go to the State Fair.... but watch out for that guy!

Remember all the stories you heard about carnival workers being pedophiles/criminals/predators...

Well I guess there was some hint of truth to them....

Fairgrounds worker arrested in Tallahassee on attempted murder, battery charges

I think I'll skip the fair this year, like I've done all the years before....

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Congradulations President Elect Barack Obama

... I hope I have been wrong about you.

... and I will hold you to your words:

"And to those Americans whose support I have yet to earn, I may not have won your vote tonight, but I hear your voices. I need your help. And I will be your president, too. "

For those who didn't hear our President Elect's speech here is the raw text.

It is a great speech, worthy of the occasion of America's first African-America president. Now lets see what the future brings...

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Politics and the fate of our nation

First off no mater who your vote for please vote!

I found an article that was a eye opening experience to read.

It was written by Walid Phares, who really knows his stuff when it comes to our national security.

I believe this article is not attacking any one candidate or party. The author brings up national and international items and then reviews each candidate's take on the situation. In the end the author does conclude with which candidate they are voting for and why.

As to why read an article about our Nation's Survival/Security instead of something on our Economy? I think the author says it best in one of this article's later sections but I think it would help if you read it first so here it is:

"Unlike many of my colleagues with whom I share counterterrorism views for the
future, my choice for the next President was not shaped by the most visible
components of the debate. It wasn't "Joe the plumber," "spreading the
wealth," the real estate crisis, the financial meltdown or the battle for taxes.
These are crucial issues but I believe the economic problems we're facing need
more than one presidency and a mixture of solutions to address them and solve
them. Pure Socialism or unleashed Capitalism aren't going to fix the economy or
satisfy the frustration of millions of Americans over the next decade. .... I am concerned for a state of affairs where we may not have a national homeland, let alone either high taxes or a solvent social security program."

Please take the time to read it, yes I know it is long but I believe it is very worth your time.

Here is the link to the article: Vote for National Survival

The following is the list of subjects that each candidate is weighed.

The national security experience
Choice on strategic direction
Economy is a hostage to National Security
Are we at war or not?
Defining the Threat
Afghanistan and Pakistan
Lebanon and Syria
Israel and the Palestinians
America's image
Defeating Racism in America
The heart of the matter
Homeland Security First
Freedoms and Educating the public
The choice

Don't forget to vote!